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Frying with Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil: A Healthy Choice for Culinary Delights

In this article, we delve into the world of frying with organic extra virgin olive oil. We'll explore the process of frying in olive oil, uncover its numerous benefits, discuss its health implications, consider its smoking point, compare it to other frying oils and butter, and provide you with recommendations and tips for achieving exceptional fried dishes. Additionally, we'll introduce you to our range of flavored olive oils and suggest some exciting recipes where they can truly shine. Get ready to discover the wonders of frying with olive oil!

Understanding Smoking Point

Olive oil has been considered unsuitable for frying by some due to concerns about its smoke point and the feared consequences associated with surpassing that point. The smoke point of an oil refers to the temperature at which it starts to produce visible smoke when heated. When an oil surpasses its smoke point, it can have several effects on both the flavor and nutritional composition.

The primary concern regarding olive oil's smoke point is that it is relatively lower compared to other cooking oils commonly used for high-heat cooking methods like frying. The feared consequences associated with surpassing the smoke point of oil include:

  1. Reduced Nutritional Value: The chemical changes that occur when oil exceeds its smoke point can also impact its nutritional composition. Heat can cause the breakdown of beneficial compounds present in the oil, such as antioxidants, essential fatty acids, and vitamins. This degradation may reduce the nutritional value of the oil, making it less beneficial for health.
  2. Off-Flavors and Aromas: Heating oil beyond its smoke point can lead to the production of unpleasant flavors and odors. The oil may become bitter, burnt, or have a rancid taste, which can negatively affect the overall taste of the food being cooked. These undesirable flavors can significantly alter the intended flavor profile of the dish.

However, we're here to set the record straight. Extensive research and culinary expertise have revealed that organic extra virgin olive oil is indeed suitable for frying, provided it is used correctly. In fact, organic extra virgin olive oil has a smoke point between 375°F to 420°F (190°C to 215°C), making it suitable for most frying techniques. This smoke point is well above the typical frying temperatures, ensuring the stability of the oil and the preservation of its beneficial properties.

Comparing Olive Oil to Alternative Frying Oils and Butter:

When compared to alternative frying oils and butter, olive oil shines in several aspects:

  1. Healthier Option: Unlike butter, olive oil is lower in saturated fats, making it a healthier choice for those mindful of their cardiovascular health.
  2. Heat Stability: Olive oil maintains its stability and quality even at high temperatures, making it ideal for frying. It does not easily break down or oxidize, ensuring the retention of its nutritional value. (Source: [Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry](
  3. Balanced Flavor: Olive oil's mild, fruity flavor enhances fried dishes without overpowering them, providing a more well-rounded taste compared to oils with stronger flavors.

Here's the updated comparison table with sources and corresponding links for the nutritional composition data:

  Smoke point Saturated fat content Mono-unsaturated fat content

Polyunsaturated   fat content

Flavor profile
Olive Oil 375-420 Low High Moderate Mild, fruity
Butter 350 High Moderate Low Rich, creamy
Canola Oil 400-450 Low High Moderate Neutral
Peanut Oil 450 Low High Moderate Neutral, nutty
Avocado Oil 375-520 Low High Moderate Mild, buttery
Corn Oil 450 Low Moderate High Neutral
Sunflower Oil 440-450 Low High High Neutral
Soybean Oil 440-450 Low High High Neutral
Safflower Oil 450-510 Low High High


Please note that the nutritional composition values may vary slightly depending on the specific brand or variety of the oil or butter. It's always a good idea to check the product labels for accurate and up-to-date information. 


Which olive oil should you use for deep frying?

Now that we know that frying with olive oil is safe and healthy, it's important to learn how to choose the best olive oil for frying.

When it comes to choosing the right extra virgin olive oil for frying we recommend opting for a mild or medium intensity olive oil, as it offers a neutral flavor that complements a variety of fried foods. Our Classic Blend Olive Oil is a fantastic option that provides a balanced and versatile flavor profile for deep frying.

But why stop there when you can elevate your fried dishes with our infused olive oils? These delightful options add an extra layer of flavor to your culinary creations. Here are some suggestions to inspire your taste buds:


Garlic Infused Olive Oil: Transform your fried chicken, eggs, or french fries with the savory and aromatic notes of garlic. The gentle infusion of garlic enhances the richness of these dishes without overpowering their inherent flavors. It's a simple way to add depth and complexity to your fried favorites.

Fried veggie balls with costabile organic olive oil 15

Hot Chili Flavored Olive Oil: Add a little spice to your fried dishes! Our hot chili flavored olive oil brings a delightful kick to your taste buds. Carefully crafted to provide a pleasant and fiery sensation, it adds excitement and heat to your fried creations. Just remember to adjust the amount to suit your preferred level of spiciness.

Fried egg, avocado, spinach, tomato and costabile organic extra virgin olive oil

Basil Flavored Olive Oil: Elevate your fried zucchini, eggplant, tomatoes, or chicken with the fresh and herbaceous essence of basil. The aromatic notes of basil impart a pleasant and flavorful touch to your dishes. It's a wonderful choice for those seeking a hint of natural freshness in their fried creations.

Basil Infused Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Whether you're looking for an olive oil to fry chicken or an olive oil to fry eggs or a medley of vegetables, our range of infused olive oils is here to enhance your culinary experience. Give them a try and discover a whole new world of flavors for your deep-fried delights!


Recommendations and Tips for Frying with Olive Oil:

We would also like to share some secrets that can enhance the flavor and overall frying experience when using olive oil. These simple tips will assist you in achieving amazing results:

  1. Choose Quality Extra Virgin Olive Oil: Opt for premium organic extra virgin olive oil to ensure the highest quality and freshest taste for your frying needs. Explore our Flavored Olive Oils to unlock a world of culinary possibilities to enhance your fried dishes. For instance, you can use garlic-infused olive oil for sautéed vegetables or chili pepper olive oil for a spicy kick in fried chicken.
  1. Oil Temperature Control: Maintaining the proper oil temperature is crucial for achieving a crispy exterior and maintaining the moisture and flavor of the food. Use a cooking thermometer to monitor and regulate the oil temperature consistently. Different foods may require specific temperature ranges, so it's important to follow recipe instructions or chef recommendations. Generally, the recommended frying temperature range is between 350°F to 375°F (175°C to 190°C). 
  1. Preheating the Oil: Preheating the oil to the desired frying temperature before adding the food ensures that the food cooks evenly and absorbs less oil. It also helps create a crispy exterior. Allow the oil to heat up fully before adding ingredients to the frying vessel. It’s important to heat the olive oil gradually to the desired frying temperature, allowing it to distribute heat evenly and ensure perfectly cooked results.
  1. Dry Food Preparation: Ensure that the food to be fried is dry before adding it to the hot oil. Excess moisture can cause the oil to splatter and make the food less crispy. Pat the food dry using paper towels before frying.
  1. Avoid Overcrowding the Pan: Use a pan that accommodates the amount of food you are frying and fry in small batches and avoid overcrowding the pan or fryer. Adding too much food at once can lower the oil temperature and result in soggy, greasy results. Cook in batches to maintain proper oil temperature and allow enough space for the food to cook evenly.
  1. Proper Dredging and Coating: When breading or coating food before frying, ensure proper adhesion of the coating. Follow the recommended steps for dredging in flour, dipping in egg wash, and coating with breadcrumbs or batter. Allow the coated food to rest for a few minutes before frying to help the coating adhere better.
  1. Cooking time : Each food has an optimal frying time to achieve the desired texture and doneness. Keep a close eye on the food while frying, and use visual cues such as golden brown color and crispness to determine when it's perfectly cooked. Avoid leaving food in the oil for too long, as it can become overly browned or burnt.
  1. Drain and let rest: After frying, place the cooked food on a wire rack or paper towels to drain excess oil. Allowing the food to rest for a few minutes helps the exterior become even crispier while retaining moisture within.
  1. Season Immediately: Season the fried food with salt or desired seasonings immediately after removing it from the oil while it's still hot. This helps the seasoning adhere better and enhances the overall flavor.
  1. Don’t forget serving and presentation: Serve the fried food immediately for the best texture and flavor. Present it in an appealing manner to enhance the dining experience.
  1. Proper Oil Management: While olive oil can be reused a few times, it is best to discard heavily used oil, as it may affect the taste and quality of subsequent fried foods.


Here are some general guidelines for frying different types of foods:

Lightly Battered or Breaded Foods: For items like shrimp, chicken tenders, or vegetables with a light coating, aim for a frying temperature of around 350°F (175°C). This temperature allows the coating to crisp up without burning before the interior is fully cooked.

Thickly Battered or Breaded Foods: For foods with thicker coatings, such as onion rings or breaded chicken breasts, it's best to fry at a slightly lower temperature of around 325°F to 350°F (160°C to 175°C). This lower temperature ensures that the interior cooks through without the exterior becoming too dark.

French Fries and Potatoes: To achieve perfectly crispy and golden French fries or potato wedges, start frying them at around 325°F (160°C). Once they have a lightly golden exterior, you can increase the temperature to around 375°F (190°C) for the final fry to achieve maximum crispiness.

Seafood: When frying delicate seafood like fish filets or shrimp, maintain a frying temperature of around 350°F (175°C). This temperature helps to cook the seafood quickly, preventing it from becoming overly greasy or soggy.

Remember, practice, experimentation, and attention to detail are key to mastering the art of frying. Incorporate these chef secrets into your cooking routine, and adapt them to suit your specific recipes and preferences.


Olive oil fried food we love at Costabile house

Here are some of the favorite fried dishes that we frequently prepare at the Costabile family. These dishes are adored by many, and we hope they become cherished in your home too:

Arancini: These delectable deep-fried rice balls are a true delight. We use our garlic flavored olive oil to infuse them with savory and aromatic notes. We fill them with ragu, mozzarella or peas and enjoy the crispy outer layer contrasting with the flavorful filling.

Fried Calamari: Get ready to savor crispy and tender calamari with a twist. Our basil flavored olive oil will add a fresh and herbaceous touch to the squid rings. We coat them in a light batter and fry until golden. We serve them with a lemon flavored dipping sauce as a delightful main course.

Zeppole: These heavenly deep-fried dough balls are a delight for any occasion. For a unique twist, we use our lemon flavored olive oil to infuse them with a refreshing citrus flavor. Whether you prefer them plain or filled with luscious custard, chocolate, or fruit, they are guaranteed to satisfy your sweet tooth.

Eggplant Parmigiana: one of the most appreciated Italian dishes. Our hot chili flavored olive oil will add a spicy kick to the breaded and fried eggplant slices. We layer them with marinara sauce, then bake to perfection. It's a hearty and flavorful dish that pairs well with pasta or makes a delicious sandwich filling.



Frying with organic extra virgin olive oil is not only appropriate but also a healthy and flavorful choice. The myth that olive oil is unsuitable for frying has been debunked through scientific research and culinary expertise. With its high smoke point, stability at high temperatures, and numerous health benefits, olive oil proves itself as an excellent option for frying. Explore our range of flavored olive oils to add an extra touch of creativity to your fried creations. Embrace the art of frying with olive oil and elevate your culinary experiences to new heights!


North American Olive Oil Association

Mayo Clinic

Olive Oil Times

US News

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